Every Mother’s Child

On September 4, 2004 my son, Robert Peper “Bo” Fisher was struck and killed while enjoying a day in Sea Isle, NJ. My family and I have been the recipients of so many expressions of compassion and concern that I felt compelled to draft the following letter to the community in the hope that I might be able to invite each of them to rejoice in the final rays of light that Bo has managed to bring to so many lives.

Every Mother’s Child

My son, Bo, was every mother’s child. That is what I think has touched us all so deeply. In a world often filled with the worst of what men can be, Bo’s death has reminded us of the best that we are truly capable of being. He did not hold much value for money or possessions. He did not believe in raising his voice or using profanities.

Bo believed in loving his brothers with whatever little foibles made them each so unique. He measured people by the goodness of their spirits. His left cheek bore a scar in the shape of a shepherd’s crook, he was a bit like a shepherd in his gentleness.

Our children by their example have united our community and we are blessed to have their example. Our children showed us they know no racial and religious boundaries. They have shown us the importance of loving.

Each of us is called to do a work and Bo had done his work. He accomplished in seventeen years what some of us will only hope to accomplish in a lifetime four times in length.

Now, he has moved on into a realm that will present both challenge and opportunity for him to develop further his many gifts and blessings. Ultimately, I believe we will all be better for what he now has been called to do. It is just that as a mother, I was not ready to lose my beautiful baby boy.

No words can express the deep sense of love and appreciation that I feel for all who have given so generously of themselves to my family and me. We feel as if we have been wrapped in the arms of angels. Friends, neighbors, strangers, people from all walks of life answered the call to do celestial works. Each shared tear, heart felt embrace or unheralded kindness has helped to lift the weight of the sorrow so heavy upon our shoulders.

Danette Fisher-Hill